An important factor in improving the quality of education


  • Mexro’zbek Muxtorjon o’g’li Jo’raboyev Freelance researcher of Institute for retraining and professional development of directors and specialists of pre-school education organization, Director of the 65th general secondary school under the pre-school and school education department of New Namangan district Автор
  • Turdiyeva Shaxnoza Yashnarjonovna Primary school teacher, school 65, New Namangan district Автор

Ключевые слова:

methodologists, Quality, district, participated


In order to popularize the experiences of preparing for international studies, seminars will be organized at the national level in cooperation with the State Inspectorate of Education Quality Control under the Cabinet of Ministers, the Ministry of Public Education, the National Center for the Implementation of International Studies on the Evaluation of the Quality of Education planned. The first of these seminars was organized on March 16 of this year in Tashkent region. At the seminar, the State Inspectorate for Quality Control of Education, the Ministry of Public Education, the staff of the National Center for the Implementation of International Research on the Evaluation of the Quality of Education, as well as district (city) public education department heads, inspector-methodologists of the Tashkent region, principals of elementary schools participated. This is reported by the press service of the State Inspection of Quality of Education.


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Как цитировать

An important factor in improving the quality of education. (2023). Pedagogical Cluster-Journal of Pedagogical Developments, 1(2), 431-439.

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