The Emergence Of Pedagogical Skills In The History Of Humanity


  • Sitora Mirqosimovna Mirpulatova Alfraganus University Master’s degree Автор

Ключевые слова:

Pedagogical skill, teaching-methodical base, perfect human image, doctor of science


Pedagogical skills have long been used by the people as the concept of "enlightened person", which expresses a wide meaning. Striving for knowledge, being enlightened is a factor that takes a priority place in the psyche of the Uzbek people and nation. Enlightenment is not only the acquisition of knowledge and skills, but also deep spiritual ethics. People with such qualities appear in the image of a knowledgeable, perfect person. That is why the whole essence of the national model of personnel training is connected with the national history and lifestyle of the Uzbek people. In the Republic of Uzbekistan, serious demands are placed on the moral image, intellectual potential and professional skills of teaching staff, which creates the basis for the improvement of pedagogical skills.


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Как цитировать

The Emergence Of Pedagogical Skills In The History Of Humanity. (2024). Pedagogical Cluster-Journal of Pedagogical Developments, 2(3), 226-235.

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